One of the main benefits of owning a static caravan holiday home is that it is relevantly easy to maintain. However, this is not to say that it is maintenance free. Below are some great tips and advice on how to get the most years from your static caravan holiday home.
1) Gutters - Keep this free of debris especially during the autumn and winter months. If water is allowed to build up it can be forced into the roof seems of the caravan and create damp patches. If the water is allowed to freeze it will lift the seems and create areas where water can seep into the caravan.
2) Outside Panels - Keep the caravan clean on the outside by washing it twice a year. Use a car shampoo and add a little wax to the solution to give the caravan extra protection.
3) Chassis Corrosion - Check the Chassis regularly and use some kind of wax oil to keep the chassis free of rust. Paint is ok but this will flake quickly if near the sea.
4) Damp - Leave your curtains open when you are not in the caravan during the Winter, Autumn and Spring months as this will air the caravan. Leave large bowls with salt in around the caravan to draw any moisture from the air and furnishings.
5) Air Vents - Air vents are there for several reasons including Gas safety, however you need to ensure you keep the roof vents closed when you not using the caravan. The wall or floor vents are fine to leave open and these will again help to circulate air around the caravan avoiding damp. Please ensure that all Vents are free from obstruction when you are using the caravan.
6) Gas & Electricity - It is sound advice to ensure the gas is turned off at the bottle and your electric is off at the box when you are away from the caravan for a sustained period. Gas pipe can corrode and it is prudent to change these regularly. You will notice a date on the orange gas pipe. If it is over 5 years old it is best to change it. A gas test on all appliances is also recommended. Portable appliance tests (PAT TESTS) are useful for items like kettles and fridges, but a 3 yearly caravan test is recommended. If you let the caravan to other people these items are mandatory and a landlords gas certificate must be held.
7) Water - Ensure you turn off you water when you are not there, especially in the cooler months. If the water freezes, you can get a seal or stop tap burst. In these cases the caravan can flood and cause severe damage. See our winterising section.
8) Boilers - The boiler is probably the most expensive single item in a caravan. Like the gas it is prudent to turn this off when you are away from the caravan. It is also good advice to have this serviced by a gas safe engineer at least every 3 years.
9) Fire safety Change your fire and gas alarm batteries every year and ensure that fire extinguishers are in date.
10) Doors and Windows keep the hinges well oiled and free of dirt. If these are allowed to cease they can become twisted and break.
11) Roof - Keep the roof free from debris, If you are unfortunate to have a hole appear use a flashing agent such as ISOFLEX or have a maintenance team flash band the area or seems.
12) Underneath - Do not block in the underneath completely as to cut the air, bricking in or blocking off can lead to severe cases of damp and mold. Also do not store combustible items under the caravan. This can be an easy way to start a fire.